Banner de dos estudiantes con los brazos cruzados y espaladas juntas
Estudiante con las manos en la cintura. Sonríe mientras mira a la cámara. En el fondo hay una pared blanca con algunas


We offer an education based on active, meaningful, and contextual learning, with a vision of impact on both the local and global community, enabling the development of talents and interests. Our model fosters innovation, creativity and healthy competition, promoting holistic growth: intellectual, emotional, personal and social.


By 2026, we will be the leading school in Santander and the first in the country to achieve high-level academic results both nationally and internationally, along with excellence in the arts and sports.

Our pillars

Global Success

We shape competitive leaders capable of facing global challenges.

Everything Matters

We care for every detail to provide an excellent school experience.

Full Potential

We nurture talents and interests in an inclusive environment.

Actively Engaged Students

We promote active, meaningful and contextual learning.

Transforming communities

Our students are characterised by an interdisciplinary mastery of knowledge, aplying their competences and skills to solving current problems in a global context.

As a member of the IB learning community, our students distinguish themselves as inquirers, curious and autonomous learners; informed, thoughtful, excellent communicators, with integrity, solidarity and empathy, showing sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others; risk-takers and balanced.

“At New Cambridge School I learn to think critically and push my limits, always striving to be the best version of myself. Here I am prepared to understand the world and contribute to it”.

Juan Martín Sanabria


Estudiantes que chocan las manos y frente a ellos una mesa llena de legos de muchos colores


We recognise ourselves and others, taking into account our duties and rights.

Estudiante que mira hacia su lado izquierdo. Luce la camiseta del uniforme de diario con rayas rojas y azules


We analyse situations with responsibility, foresight and determination, exploring new ideas and strategies.

Estudiante que sostiene una agenda institucional, sonríe mientras mira a la cámara


We act in alignment with our institutional values, with integrity, honesty, and commitment.

Estudiantes chocan puños mientras miran a la cámara y sonríen. Lucen el uniforme de diario con camiseta institucional


We explore knowledge across all disciplines to develop strategies that provide solutions to problems.

Estudiante sostiene un huevo con su mano derecha. Luce camiseta blanca institucional

Social and Environmental Commitment

We actively participate and commit to helping others by showing empathy, sensitivity and respect.


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