Banner de salvaguarda con dos estudiantes sentados jugando con fichas de lego
Cuatro estudiantes en plano medio, dos de ellas cargan a otras dos estudiantes en su espalda

Our commitment

We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare, physical, mental and social health and safety of our students by promoting an environment of fluid, supportive and nurturing communication, care and support for students and staff.

We are here to help you

If you know of a student in our school who is being abused or is going through a difficult situation and needs support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What are we looking for with the Safeguarding programme?


The deterioration of a child’s or young person’s health or development.


That they grow up in circumstances of safe and effective care.


To every child and adolescent from situations of abuse.

Our policies

Icono azul de manos extendidas y un escudo en el centro

Safeguard Policy

We safeguard the physical, mental and social health of our students and staff by promoting a safe, supportive environment, open communication and constant protection.

Icono rojo de un hombre que de su cabeza se desprenden  iconos de error y acierto

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct sets out mandatory standards for staff, volunteers and owners, raising awareness of illegal, unsafe and inappropriate behaviour.

Icono azul de una mano sosteniendo un celular

ICT policy

The policy sets standards for ICT and mobile use, minimising risks of inappropriate contact, protecting students, employees and IT systems.

Icono de hombre rojo con un escudo

Intimate care policy

At Cognita – Redcol we promote the well-being of children, providing intimate care when necessary and encouraging their self-care, self-esteem and autonomy according to their age.

Icono azul de un círculo y en sus extremos hay personas y en el centro un icono de visto bueno

Educational outings policy

We seek to minimise risks in educational outings, protecting the integrity of students, parents and staff, prioritising safe learning.

Icono rojo de una cabeza de perfil y en la parte superior, un corazón

Well-being and mental health policy

We guarantee educational well-being with attention to students with mental health conditions, socio-affective and sexual programmes, and inter-institutional alliances.

Our Safeguarding Committee

Learning Support Center Director con cabello recogido, blusa negra y trenza hacia un lado

Lina Murillo

Deisgnated Safeguarding Leader

Psicóloga de Early Years, de Koalas a K4, Cañaveral con uniforme azul.

Geraldine Medina

Deisgnated Safeguarding Deputy – Koalas a K4

Psicóloga de K5 y 1° con uniforme azul

Lizeth Rueda

Deisgnated Safeguarding Deputy – K5 & 1°

Psicóloga de la sede Cabecera con uniforme azul

Aura Arias

Deisgnated Safeguarding Deputy – Cabecera

Psicóloga de Lower Primary

Juliana Rubiano

Deisgnated Safeguarding Deputy – 2° & 3°

Psicóloga de Upper Primary con uniforme azul

Nazly Acelas

Designated Safeguarding Deputy – 4° & 5°

Psicóloga de los grados 6° y 7°, de cabello corto ondulado, con uniforme azul.

Jessyca Santiesteban

Designated Safeguarding Deputy – 6° & 7°

Psicólogo de Lower Secondary con uniforme azul

Damián Ríos

Designated Safeguarding Deputy – 8° & 9°

Psicóloga de Upper Secondary con uniforme azul

Angélica Amador

Designated Safeguarding Deputy – Upper Secondary


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